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ElectroDynamic Systems Software ScientificTM
Radiolocation Systems ResearchTM

Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

(from 'Glossary' of our web–site)

RefereesHelp Race™ Support

RefereesHelp Race is a professional solution for keeping record at running, swimming and skiing competitions.

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See the documentation using the “Help” item in the main menu because it may contain the answer to your question.
Search our Knowledge Base for the answer — the solution to your problem may be already there.
Use our RefereesHelp Race Bug Tracking System (additional registration is required). Try to find messages with the same or similar problem mentioned in them and take part in the discussion within this system without contacting the technical support.
If you cannot find the solution to your problem, use the Helpdesk to contact the EDS–Soft technical support.
In any case, please read our Support Policy before requesting help.

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GuidesArray Circular 0.1.4

GuidesArray Circular™ allows to execute electrodynamic modeling of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for circular waveguides, using the method of moments.


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