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ElectroDynamic Systems Software ScientificTM
Radiolocation Systems ResearchTM

Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

(from 'Glossary' of our web–site)

About the power, drawn by the receiving antenna from the incident field

Published: 12/08/2005
Language: russian
Original: Radio engineering and electronics (Moscow), 1983, №12, p.p.2313…2319
© Y. N. Feld, 1983. All rights reserved.

Are received various variants of formulas for computing the power, received by the receiver, which take into account the discrepancy between the ends of the feeder path, when the form of the incident wave is arbitrary. In the special case where the receiver is completely concordant with the path, one of them grades into the Burstein-Kinber formula.
For different additional conditions, the high bound of the received power is determined and the optimal distributions of the field that make this power maximum are found.

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