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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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Yury Viktorovich Kotov, Professor of the Chair of Radio-physics, Antennas and Microwave Devices of MAI (Moscow), Doctor of Science in technics.

Broadband waveguide antenna arrays of integrated radio electronic complexes

Published: 08/14/2008
Language: russian
Speciality: 05.12.07 — Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies
Type: Doctor dissertation in technical sciences
Scientific adviser: Dmitry Ivanovich Voskresensky, Professor, Doctor of Science in technics
Defended at: Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University), Moscow
© Y. V. Kotov, 2004. All rights reserved.
© EDS–Soft, 2008. All rights reserved.

The aim of the thesis comes down to solving an important scientific and technical problem — designing broadband waveguide monopulse antenna arrays (AAs) with wide-angle scanning on linear or circular polarizations for new radio systems — integrated radio electronic complexes and also to establishing the theoretical and experimental grounds of the advanced electrodynamic approaches for designing them (including computer–aided design).

The solutions of the above problems obtained in the thesis are new.

The scientific newness of the thesis results comes down to the following:

The electrodynamic theory of antenna arrays was generalized upon broadband AAs based on waveguides with a random cross section shape working in the mode of wide–angle scanning with linear (vertical or horizontal) or double (orthogonal or circular) field polarization.
Universal electrodynamic approaches and a mathematical apparatus for applied electrodynamics were developed and new results in researching and optimizing the energy, frequency and polarization characteristics of various types of multi–element waveguide AAs were obtained, these include:
The development of the wave multi–mode physical and mathematical model of the radiation of a waveguide with a random cross section shape within a multi–element AA in case there is dielectric covering, insertions, waveguide transformers, iris diaphragms and other matching elements in its aperture.
The development of the matrix electrodynamic theory and the strict mathematical approach based on direct combined projective method of crossing electromagnetic fields to analyzing and optimizing the characteristics of AAs, microwave devices and channels based on waveguides with a complex cross section.
The algorithmic basis of computational electrodynamics and software for researching and optimizing (by selected criteria) the electrodymanic characteristics of broadband radiating and channeling AA elements based on waveguides with a random cross section shape by were created.
The CAD method for designing the radiation and distribution systems of broadband waveguide AAs ensuring the optimal specification parameters with minimum time and money expenses was developed.
The practical value of the results obtained in the thesis comes down to the fact that they were used as a basis for:
Generalizing the electrodynamic theory and developing new approaches to designing and analyzing broadband antenna arrays based on waveguides with a random cross section shape that made it possible to obtain new facts about the characteristics of waveguide monopulse AAs having a broader working frequency band as compared to the traditional arrays made of rectangular and circular waveguides (not less than 25%) in a wide section of single–lobe scanning (not less than ±120°) on linear and circular polarizations.
Proposing the universal mathematical apparatus and creating an applied set of algorithms and software for researching and optimizing the radiation and distribution systems of AAs, microwave devices and channels based on waveguides with a random cross section shape making it possible to create automated informational systems with a dynamic database for designing all kinds of AS and AAs.
Developing the CAD method for designing a multi–element antenna panel for AAs based on broadband (multi–frequency combined) waveguide radiators with characteristics optimized by selected criteria, this method makes it possible to considerably reduce the time and money expenses during their development.
Creating a set of experimental laboratory models of AAs and microwave devices based on the waveguides with a complex cross section shape.

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GuidesArray Coaxial 0.1.2

GuidesArray Coaxial™ is used by engineers for projecting and exploring the characteristics of two-dimensional periodic phased antenna arrays for coaxial waveguides.


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