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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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Mathematical modeling of microstrip oscillators in layered media

Published: 01/06/2010
Language: russian
Original: Antennas (Moscow), 2007, №1 (116), p.p.66…81
© V. V. Chebyshev, 2007. All rights reserved.

There was a study of mathematical modeling of microstrip oscillators with a substrate in the form of plane layered media based on the use of integral and integro–differential equations of the first kind; there was provided substantiation and the basics of building the algorithms of a numerical solution to the equations; examples of the numerical study of the equations for oscillators and layered media with varied topology were given; the case of microstrip oscillators with finite conductivity was studied; the integral equation for the current of the oscillator was derived and examples of its numerical study for oscillators made of high–temperature superconductors were given.

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GuidesArray Rectangular 0.2.14

GuidesArray Rectangular™ allows to execute quick engineering calculations of two-dimensional phased antenna arrays for rectangular waveguides on an electrodynamic level.


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